For the longest time I never downloaded the Canvas App on my phone. I think I finally did last semester as a junior. Before then I would just have it open as a website on my phones browser and look on there. I did that because on the Mobile App the one thing you cannot do is look at the averages. Because I have the toxic trait of comparing myself to others, I like to know where I stand with everyone else. Even now that I have the app, I will check when a grade gets released, but I still usually go onto the actual website so I can see the averages. It is a good app for general purposes like looking at assignment due dates and grades, but overall I do not use it much. I usually just pull out my laptop and do everything on there. I do love the layout of it though. Canvas is a great website and is very simple and easy to use. This carries over to the app so I like that. Overall it is a good app, but I do wish it would show the averages of grades.