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Week 7 Story: Riddles

(The Answers are in the comments)


What is three letters and is named after the same thing it does?

A man rode into town on Friday. Three days later he leaves on Friday. How?

Contrary to its name, you only wear this when it is cold outside.

Without this, you would never know what you looked like.

There once lived a large family. Jennifer was the mother and she was a teacher. Jason was the father and he was a farmer. Judy was the grandma and she was a nurse. Victor was the grandpa and he was a business man. Jackie was the aunt and she was a librarian. Jon was the uncle and he was a pilot. James was the oldest son and was married to Jasmine, they were both artists. Jacob was the middle son and he was a student. Jaxx was the youngest son and he wanted to be a fire. If Jaxx was 5 years old, James was 24 years old, and Jennifer had Jacob when she was 28, who in the family is different than the rest?

If OU plays Texas on a Saturday and the stadium has 60,000 people in it, how much on a scale of 1-10 does Texas still suck?

What can spin fast, cheer loud, and be turned on and off?

What never changes but will always grow?

John, Ben, David, Cody, and Frank all had the same father. John, Ben, and David had a different mother than Cody and Frank. One day they were in the forest in search of water. They each went out to look for it. One by one they found a pond of water and drank from it. Each one of them died except for Ben who knew better than to drunk from the water. He found out that a curse had been placed on the water by a crane. The crane appeared and told Ben to answers his riddles before he could drink. Ben did so and as a reward, he was able to bring one of his brothers back to life. Ben chose Frank even though Frank was the weakest of all of them. Why did Ben chose Frank?

Authors note: The story of the Pandavas and the riddles was very interesting to me, so I tried to come up with my own riddles for you to solve. Coming up with your own riddles is hard, so I had one or two in there that I remember hearing as a kid, but the rest were all my own. I hope they weren't too hard or too easy.

Image: Maze. Source: Pixabay


  1. Fly

    His horses name was Friday



    Victor is the only one without a J name.


    A fan (Sports fan or a electric fan)

    The past

    Because that way each Mother still had a son that was alive. (From Story)

  2. Hi Heath! I find the riddles to be interesting and they really did get me to thinking and try to solve them before I scrolled down. Also I have heard some of these also and somehow even after hearing them I still forget the answers to them. I didn't read the story about the riddles as I read the book version and so the same thing was in the book but it was called "Hundred Questions". I really liked this story also and did my story for week 7 as a rewrite of the Hundred Questions chapter out of the book.

  3. Hey Jacob! These were fun to read and definitely got me thinking before I scrolled down. A couple I heard, but others took me a minute. I think this was a fun way to relate to the book. I love pulling in OU and Texas. I wonder what other ones could be added to this. What if you didn't post the answers, how long people would be stumped. It's very creative and I appreciated it. I like how you didn't just google a ton, you worked on making your own. I found them great.

  4. Hi Jacob. This is great, though I will admit that the last section of the first big paragraph felt way too much like math homework. It kind of gave me flashbacks to junior high (maybe...wait, when did we start doing these kinds of word problems in math class?). Also I didn't figure out any of the riddles, so I feel real dumb. This was a lot of fun to read.

  5. Hi Jacob, i think that this is a very valid point that it did seem like it was just a bit to much for the homework. This made it very interesting and had a light note on it since it was definitely unique and stood out amongst any other post thus far that I have come across. This was a fun way to put forth a different idea and I really like the creativity here. Good job on this, and I feel like that one thing that could have had some improvement could have been allowing just the people to figure out what the answer is rather than posting the answer. But other than that small opinion, I thought you did a very good job on this story and this was definitely some inspiration for me to think outside the box and experiment with different ideas. It was fantastic, good job Jacob!


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