Oof. That is all I can say at this point. I am currently writing this post in between classes trying to get back some of the many points I have already missed in this class. Even though I do not mean for it to be, this class often falls last on my priority list. It is definitely the most assignments in a class that I have this semester, even though none of them are difficult or too time consuming. I am a senior and am just now willing to admit that I have terrible time management skills. When something is not due, I tend to put it off until I have to do it. There was a moment last week where I went to the library with the intention on getting work done, but because nothing was actually due the next day, nothing got done. Each week I have missed at least one of the readings, and one week I even missed both. I say in my head that I am a slow reader so I never feel like I can read that many pages in hour or so that it says it should take. Rather than buckling down and actually doing it,...